Inconsistent Government Legislation for Consumer Data Privacy

Powerkee’s Bastion of Privacy #14 — Data Privacy Legislation and PowerKee Update

5 min readFeb 26, 2021

Discussion surrounding data privacy is becoming increasingly intense. Governments and corporations are engaging in legislative debates to search for suitable frameworks that simultaneously suit those holding data and the public. Both parties appear to be looking for the minimum acceptable levels of data management processes. Unsurprisingly, the real owners of the data are not included in the discussion. As usual, The general public is condemned to whatever deal is struck between the government and corporations.

Governments across the world are taking steps to implement data privacy laws that suit their peculiarities. Depending on the prevailing ideology of the government, the proposed laws vary from one region to another. This variation on its own could become a problem in the long run.

For instance, when a user migrates from one part of the world to another, what happens to the data privacy privileges that he may have enjoyed from his previous region of residence? What technology tools solve or alleviate global data privacy issues? Is there any way the Average Joe can regain control over his data privacy? In the latest “Bastion of Privacy”, we address all of these questions.

PowerKee Platform Update

Before we dive into the content, we have an exciting PowerKee update. The platform is currently in the test phase and launch is rapidly approaching. We have shared some screenshots showcasing the wallet setup.

We can’t wait to share this comprehensive privacy network with you. This will enable all crypto enthusiasts to take greater control of their privacy and security. We are grateful for every PowerKee supporter and we will continue to share updates as we progress towards launch.

There is an Inconsistency of Legislation Over Data Privacy

In the United States, various states are already proposing bills to protect the privacy of consumer data. On February 22, 2021, Rep. Steve Elkins (DFL) and Rep. Mohamud Noor (DFL) introduced a bill, the “Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act (MCDPA)” to the Minnesota House of Representatives. The bill would apply to companies doing business in Minnesota, and those providing products and services to Minnesota residents.

The bill, if passed, is expected to give consumers in Minnesota certain privacy rights, which include the right to verify, correct, delete, access, and opt-out of companies processing their data. Other conditions were also specified in the bill, like the time frame for companies to respond to customer requests.

The content of the proposed bill in Minnesota does not vary much from the proposed Washington Privacy Act (WPA) which is currently being debated. However, when compared with the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) model which was passed in 2018, the Minnesota proposal is significantly different. The CCPA is a law that allows consumers in California to see all their personal information that is saved by a company. It also allows consumers to see the full list of the third parties that such information is shared with. In terms of enforcement, while the CCPA allows consumers to outrightly sue companies that are in violation of the guidelines, even without breaches, the WPA provides an “opt out” option for consumers which companies must process within specified timeframes.

Unlike the state of Minnesota, Florida has followed the CCPA model. Florida state proposed a bill on February 15th, 2021, also aimed at consumer data privacy protection. A previous attempt to introduce a similar bill in Florida failed in 2020. There are reservations about the possibility of the current bill making it through legislation. The concerns that prevented the prior bill from being implemented have still not been addressed. These concerns are based mainly on the potential for a significant increase in litigation should the bill be passed.

The Controversy Over Capacity and Policy of Corporations

The need for data protection has become necessary as a result of how businesses and corporations have recklessly used consumer data. Oftentimes, their approach could even pass as being exploitative. In some cases, the security of consumers is compromised in the process. Look no further than the Ledger data breach as an example of this.

More recently, the voice-based social media app, Clubhouse, experienced a breach. An unknown user was able to broadcast audio feeds from the platform on an external website.

In another event, the Scottish Borders Council apologised for accidentally releasing the data of about 600 people. The incident occurred while the organisation sent out emails to let some residents know about their eligibility to receive free school meals. This is one of the kinds of human error that cannot be ruled out with the current systems.

The controversy over the new data privacy policy being introudced by Whatsapp is still on. Whatsapp has postponed the implementation date from February 8th to May 15th, 2021. The new policy, which is mainly aimed at businesses using WhatsApp, states that the app will be able to share user details such as their phone numbers and transaction data.

Privacy-Focused Blockchain Ensure Robust Data Privacy

In a world where privacy is diminishing, privacy-focused blockchains are one of the few solutions that are built from the ground up to ensure user anonymity. Solutions like Powerkee allow users to privately transfer data and value across a distributed network. Data leak concerns are eradicated as data is anonymized through zero-knowledge proofs. Moreover, the distributed architecture means that no one entity has control over the network.

Outside of blockchain technology, there are other privacy tools that can be implemented to gain greater control over your privacy. However, discussion of such tools is beyond the scope of this article. For further information on other privacy tools, is one resource that can be explored.

About PowerKee

PowerKee is a cryptocurrency network that makes privacy easy. Users can transact cheaply and instantly while maintaining anonymity. The PowerKee protocol uses a mixture of zero-knowledge proofs and coin mixing to provide strong privacy assurances to its users.




Written by PowerKee

PowerKee is a decentralized cryptocurrency network that prioritizes privacy secured by proof-of-stake. Your Privacy. Your Rights. Your Assets.

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